Dear President Trump, While You At It, Please Deport Liberal White Women Too.



About This Birthright Citizenship Fiction and the 14Th Amendment https://tinyurl.com/yhvr8twh

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Correct me if I am wrong, but I though Colombia was only objecting to the people being deported in a military plane.

They were accepting people being deported on non-military planes.

(And honestly, if they are Colombia citizens, Colombia has no legal stance to reject the people being deported)

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There is no international "law" controlling what a country can or cannot do involving the crosssing of its border by undocumented persons. Try entering the US if you've lost your passport while abroad? You likely won't even be allowed to board a plane abroad to go home because the airlines know they[re likely to be required by US customs to bly you back at their expense to the country you just left from.

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Fair point. However, if an American citizen should lose their passport, I would think there is a procedure to get back into the country.

I would think that in the case sending Columbian citizens back to their home countries, there is some proof that they are in fact Columbian citizens. So Colombia should accept them back into their home country.

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Yes. Hope is important in times like these.

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Good points, Dave --- I have always wondered whether Trump's incompetence and bombast might have an "objective' anti-imperialist impact. In the US, he seems to have "COWED" too many who should be in the opposition but maybe things will be different in NATO and in what we used to call the Third World. Maybe China and the BRICS will dismember the American empire. We can hope, right?

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