Well, Mr. This Can't Be Happening, IT IS HAPPENING! The Hebrews and Zionists have got the fix in. Think about it, we all live in the United States of Israel now. The Biden crime family is on its way out. And Von ShitzInPantz will be wearing a kippah when he swears in placing his hand on the Torah.

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May 10·edited May 14Author

You may be right about Trump wearing a kippa at his swearing in, but he won't be swearing on the Torah. He'll either be swearing on one of his Trump Bibles (purchased by the taxpayers of course) or he;'ll have added a Trump Torah to his merch catalogue.

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So hope you get to live next to the likes of Hamas and their ilk. Then you'll understand.

Looking at the world through western glasses, utterly incapable and unwilling to see it through the eyes of conflict in the Arab world. Height of whyte privlidge and cultural imperialism.

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You ignore the reality, exposed by several Israeli media organizations, including Haaretz, that Hamas was largely a creation of the Isreali intelligence agency Shinbet (as a way to weaken the Palestinian Authority's control in Gaza and make the notion of a Palestinian state less likely. Hamas' rise in Gaza was a direct result ot the Israeli government's unwillingness to tolerate any move towards creating a self governing Palestinian state.

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Guess you slept through the succesive Caliphates, the Ottomons, Iranian Revolution, Arab fratracides galore, etc...

The Judeans originated in that land, long before the Roman, the Arab, etc. The state of Israel was the culmination of a return of indiginous peoples, just as surely as if the Crow retook the Black Hills. And that after being the most persecuted religious minority in the history of the western world.

Instantly attacked by the same people who sent their Mufti's to collaborate with the Nazis.

But all you westerners can see is the victimology you've been infected with since Marx.

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Well actually, acdording to the Torah, the israelites (of course on instructions from Yahweh), stole Judea from its inhabitants, the Canaanites. As for most persecuted, that is a bi of a stretch. Western 'civilizagion did a rather throrough extermination of most of the indigenous population of north America -- probably in terms of percentages of total poulation, more thorough than Hitler's Final Solution.

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Uh, smallpox did the vast majority of damage. (see "Pox Americana," by Elizabeth Fenn) The west was damn near cleaned out by the tme Engilsh sea captains explored the shores of the PNW in the late 1700s. So accidental intoduction of diseases by people who thought disease was evil spirits doesn't exactly constitute a deliberate act. Thereafter, Indian policy was ham fisted, largely impulsive, and held all aspects of the base nature of humans. No arguement there.

But in no way does it compare to a European nation state, in the mid-20th century, leveraging all aspects of modern industry to deliberately exterminate an entire people...while simultaneously fighting a two front war that saw the intoduction of ballistic missiles, jet propulsion, and nearly an atomic weapon.

Seek help. You're not the petit-Borugeoisie literati that you believe you are.

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Blanket prize for Jar-Jar...

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Thanks for that dark humor Chris. I was just weigjhing in but you beat me to it.

Jar-Jar is citing a theory that has been widely blown out of the water as a comfortable excuse for the near annihilation of native Americans whose population in ther area of the current continental US plumeted from a pre ]-colonial estimate of as much as 8 million to a low of 250,000 in the late 19th century. In fact many native people did die from imported European diseases (not primarily smallpox, but rather cholera and influenza and other. pulmonary diseases to which they had no immunity), but more recent scholarship has shown that the ravages of those and other diseases were secondary factors that had much greater impact on the stressed native populations because of the epic ethnic cleansing caused by forced relocation of tribes or nations to desolate landscapes in which they did not have the traditions needed to survive, not to mention the forced marches with no food or shelter.

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My my, never have I read such an expression of understanding the decades of apartheid and genocide the Palestinians have existed under since the Zionists connived Britain and the U.S. to give them someone else's land. You must be so non-whyte you have no shadow.

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'as well as his pathetic effort to assertion that protests must be legal and peaceful, '

I do not understand. Protests should be illegal and violent?

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May 9·edited May 10Author

Biden's contradicting what MLK said in his "Letter from Birmingham Jail" when he wrote to critical white clergy backers of his movement who expressed opposition to his decision to vviolate Birmingham's city ordinance against organized protests, and also at his being an "outside agitator" in Mississippi instead of sticking to his native Atlanta and Georgia. He said obeying "bad laws" was not wrong, obeying them was. as for violent, niden was calling breaking glass to open a locked door "violence" and resisting police trying to enter a peaceful camp to tear it down as "violence," violence has come from either the cops, or in the case of UCLA, from zionist thugs organized and financed by outsiders, including Jerry Seinfeld's wife, apparently.

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I do not totally agree. I get your meaning about 'illegal' protest. I do not completely agree, but I do get what you are saying and the point is valid. Some protests being illegal is okay in a free society.

However, breaking of windows, and any form of vandalism is violence. It is virtually the same as torching cars, setting fire to buildings, or setting off bombs. It is lowest level in terms of violence, however it is nonetheless violence.

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Not according to the FBI, and not according to most crime statistics reports. I can see where a mass riot to destroy all the shipfronts in an urban center, or, as in the case of the anti-jewish Kristalnacht pogrom by Nazi brownshirts in Austria and Germany, the act itself was violence against a whole class of people. but breaking a window in order to open a door of a locked building (not an unoccupied home) as part of a protest action is not an act of violence.

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I agree

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