If you wrote what US company(ies) is/are producing phosporous bombs people could take actions to shut them down as we attempted to do with Dow Chemical in the 60s-70s.

Good to see you writing for a wider market (hopefully).

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Great idea Ron. I'll add that information.

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The United States Little Shop of Horrors is always open. We'll sell anything to anyone for a buck. That's what capitalism is all about. Money is our God and profit is our religion.

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Thank you for this, Dave. Remembering Dahr Jamail’s courageous reporting on Fallujah and the ongoing suffering that resulted from the use of white phosphorous there, I'm beyond appalled that it's still in the U.S. arsenal and now being shared with Israel. What a horror!

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True enough. Even if the US and Israel were honestly, as they keep trying to claim, only use WP weapons to set up a smoke screen (when there are smoke bombs designed for such purpose that do a better and safer job of that), to 'signal a location' for attacking troops (highly unlikely tactic because of its continued ability to cause severe burns), or to "light up' an area, when flares coming down slowly by parachute are a much better option), just allowing troops thave such weapons in their possession in battle means they will. likely be used in a criminal fashion to terrify or injure or hame the enemy or even civilians. And in truth, experience shows there is complicity in the use of WP weapons up the chain of command. The US, as the provider of these weapons is as guilty of this war crime as is the IDF for using them.

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Pictures are stunning, horrifying and irrefutable.

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When Russia was caught usin white phosphorus shells in ukraine, the US government made accusations of war crimes. What *&?!# hypocrisy!

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