Our new substack site has passed the 100 subscription mark
So here's a request to all of you new subscribers...
On our old site, for 14 years since our founding as a ground-breaking collectively run alternative news site featuring articles by professional journalists you could trust to tell the truth with facts and sound reasoning, and hoped people would donate to support our work. A few readers, including a few of you who have moved over with is to this Substack site, did contribute occasionally, and sometimes quite generously. But most did not.
We chalked it up to inconvenience, and to the out-of-site-out-of-mind problem. People would put off taking the time to go to the pay site and make a donation, and then the moment would pass and so would the contribution.
We now have a site that is geared to running on paid subscriptions — subscriptions that can be paid by the month. In a special introductory offer that can be done now for $6/month or $60/year. We’re also offering a special Founder’s lifetime rate of $150, something that two readers have already signed up for. We’re hoping that those of you who have subscribed for free, which the site will continue to be for the next two months, will sign on for one of those options when the pay-wall goes up.
But if you’re one of those who has donated before or has wanted to contribute to our work but just never got around to it, would like to get the ball rolling, we urge you to do so now, ahead of the change. It would, we’re sure, help convince other newer readers to sign on for the paid subscription, and to convince us that we are making the right decision, going with a subscription model.
We’re talking about the cost of two cups of coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts per month or the cost of one subscription to a glossy tree-killing magazine filled with shiny ads for things you don’t need and won’t ever buy of for medicines you shouldn’t take.
So think about it. If you sign up during the next two months of March and April, before you have to, we will keep your subscription rate at $6 for three years, too.
And remember, this new site for TCBH! has the extra feature, never offered before on our old site, of being able to post a comment on articles you read.
And - about a TERROR at home:
TC Uncensored: Uncensored: Eithan Haim (full length - ~30 minutes)
TC Uncensored: Eithan Haim is one of the rare American physicians who's refused to accept the sexual mutilation of children in his hospital. Doctors, he says, believe “they can create a new type of human.” – 6 minute only